The PIC Philosophy

SRP PIC gives employees a voice in electing federal, state and local officials. And we're dedicated to keeping its contributors – members of the SRP Governing Boards and SRP employees at-large – involved in our nation's political process by providing neutral, objective information about candidates, elections, ballot measures and public policy developments affecting the water and power industry.


PIC contributions will be used solely to support the election campaigns of candidates running for federal, state, county and local offices and NOT used for administrative purposes. Requested contributions are merely a suggestion, and those contributing are free to contribute more or less than the requested amount. SRP will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of his/her contribution amount or decision not to contribute. You have the right to refuse to contribute without fear of any reprisal. Federal law also requires PIC to use best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Contributions are not tax deductible.