​​​​Join SRP's Political Involvement Committee

Employee contributions may be made through bi-monthly payroll deductions or by personal checks payable to SRP PIC. 

In accordance with federal law, PIC solicits and accepts contributions from SRP shareholders, executive and administrative personnel, and voting-age members of their immediate families. However, per federal law, PIC is unable to accept contributions from SRP employees who primarily supervise hourly employees. Two contribution levels are available:

  • President's Club – Sponsored by President David Rousseau, participants are invited to all regular PIC events as well as special President's Club receptions with political speakers, elected officials and candidates for office. The requested contribution is $520 per year, or $20 per pay period.
  • Sustaining Level – Contributors at this level are invited to PIC luncheons, coffee talks and the PIC Annual Banquet. The requested contribution is $234 per year, or $9 per pay period.
Contributions to PIC are used solely to support the election campaigns of political ​candidates running for federal, state, county and local offices. Requested contributions are merely a suggestion, and those contributing are free to contribute more or less than the requested amount. 

SRP will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of his/her contribution amount or decision not to contribute. People have the right to refuse to contribute without fear of any reprisal. 

Federal law also requires PIC to use best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Contributions are not tax-deductible.